The right to work and employment
The Kingdom of Bahrain has made many pioneering achievements in the field of labour market reform and employment, including:
- The establishment of trade unions, the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA), and the labour fund (Tamkeen), which has contributed to reducing the unemployment rate.
- Providing job seekers with financial subsidies, estimated at an average of $360 per month, under Decree No. (78) of 2006 regarding unemployment insurance, which is an unprecedented step in the Arab world.
- Respecting the rights of expatriate workers by ensuring their freedom of movement and prohibiting them from working at noon in the construction sector or traveling in open trucks.
- Implementation of Decree No. (1) of 2008 on combating trafficking (PDF, 223KB, 4 pages, Arabic only) in persons and ensuring health and humanitarian standards in residential and labour environments.
- Child Rights
- Civil society organizations
- Combating COVID-19
- Compatibility and commitment to the international legal system
- Equality and social justice for Bahraini women
- Freedom of the press and media
- Know your rights
- National strategies and plans related to human rights
- Rights of prisoners and detainees
- The freedom to practice religious rites and ceremonies
- Victims of trafficking in persons
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Content Last Updated: 09 Jul, 2024