Fire Emergencies

Fire Emergencies

This section outlines how to contact the fire department and how to approach an emergency.

How to access emergency services in the event of a fire:

  • Dial 999.
  • All 999 calls are free.
  • 999 covers all emergency services, i.e. fire, police, and ambulance.
  • State which service you require.
  • Provide clear details of the accident or emergency, number of casualties (if any), additional hazards, and the full address of where the incident is taking place, including the building number, road number or name, block number, and any junctions or other landmarks
  • Do not end the phone call until the control officer clears the line.
  • Do not move the casualty unless necessary.

Other information to supply when making an emergency call:

  • Your name and telephone number
  • The nature and seriousness of the incident, for example: traffic accident, number of people injured or trapped
  • The number, sex, and age of the casualties, and anything you know about their condition

Approaching the scene

Approach the incident with caution and take steps to make the area safe while you get help, without putting yourself at risk. This can contribute as much to the casualties’ survival and ultimate wellbeing as any subsequent interventions or medical treatment.


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Content Last Updated: 26 Feb, 2023

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