The Cabinet is the executive authority in the Kingdom of Bahrain, according to Article 33 (c) of the 2002 Constitution. The King appoints the Prime Minister and can dismiss them by royal decree. The King also appoints and dismisses the ministers from their positions by royal decree. The Cabinet safeguards the interests of the state, formulates the government's general policies, monitors their implementation, supervises the functioning of the government apparatus, and each minister is responsible for overseeing the affairs of their ministry. They execute the government's general policies within their ministry, establish the ministry's directions, and ensure their implementation.
The Crown Prince and Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister
Minister of Interior
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Finance and National Economy
Minister of Labour
Minister of Parliamentary Affairs
Minister of Defence Affairs
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture
Minister of Oil and Environment
Minister of Transportation and Telecommunications
Minister of Works
Minister of Legal Affairs
Minister of Social Development
Minister of Electricity and Water Affairs
Minister of Health
Minister of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Waqf
Minister of Cabinet Affairs
Minister of Housing and Urban Planning
Minister of Sustainable Development
Minister of Tourism
Minister of Information
Minister of Education
Minister of Industry and Commerce
Minister of Youth Affairs
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Content Last Updated: 02 Jul, 2024