Students and schools

School Enrollment

Upon enrollment, students are required to pass grades as follows:

Elementary level

The elementary level teaches the students the basics of education. Aged from around 6 to 11 years, the students are required to pass two cycles, each consisting of three years.

Intermediate level

This level is for children usually aged between 12 and 14. Students can only enter this level after successfully completing their elementary education. The intermediate level is taught by teachers specialized in individual subjects.

Secondary education

The final level of school education, the secondary level prepares students for enrollment in universities and higher institutes, or to directly enter the labour market. Lasting three academic years, it is divided into six semesters. To be accepted into the first semester of secondary education, students are required to have graduated from intermediate school or have an equivalent certificate.

The credit hour system is applied in secondary education, offering a wide choice of study subjects and courses that allow students to adapt the ones that are consistent with their future goals.

On the national portal, a school directory service is available to identify government and private schools and apply students school transfer.

Digital empowerment

The Supreme Council for the Development of Education and Training draws up and approves the National Education Strategy, setting an action plan and monitoring its implementation. Today, Bahrain has one of the most advanced educational systems in the region, making significant progress in the deployment of Information Technology (IT) in education.

In 2004, all schools went online, with Internet provided free of use for students and teachers. Various digital teaching, learning, and administration methods were later introduced, including opening new communication channels with parents. The success of HM King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa’s Schools of the Future project, which was completed in 2015, significantly contributed to digital empowerment at schools. Students, teachers, and administrators were trained to use ICT and work with digital educational content.

Education from anywhere

Keeping pace with recent developments, and encouraging "Education from Anywhere", a number of eServices were developed for the education sector, along with systems and applications for smart devices, and online counseling services for students.the comprehensive digital educational portal has become providing all means of education from distance lessons, assignments, and submitting exams via the Internet without attending in government schools.

The comprehensive digital educational portal eduNET provides a range of eServices in coordination with the ones available via the National Portal. New students at several private elementary schools can be enrolled online through the Ministry of Education’s website, with the remaining private schools continuing to provide registration through their own websites. Examples of such schools are The Indian School, Al Nadeen School, Al Hekma International School, and others.

Services available through the Ministry of Education’s website include:


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Content Last Updated: 09 Jul, 2024

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