The Constitution of the Kingdom of Bahrain
The constitution deals with matters related to the state, the essential components of society, authorities, financial affairs, rights, and public duties.
The Kingdom of Bahrain’s constitution consists of a number of texts that govern the state’s main authorities (legislative, executive, and judicial), determine their areas of competence, detail the essential components of society, and specify the rights and duties of individuals. These texts are the foundation for legislation and are the state’s supreme law.
Bahrain’s constitution was issued on the 6th December, 1973, and amended in 2002 to reflect the joint aspirations of the King and the people as per the contents of the National Action Charter (PDF, 376KB, 29 pages), which the public voted for in a referendum on 14th February, 2001.
The Kingdom’s constitution ensures agreement between laws and local policies and that they are in line with international accords. The constitutional system guarantees that human rights in the Kingdom are protected.
- An explanatory memorandum of the Kingdom of Bahrain’s amended constitution of 2002 (PDF, 1.73MB, 168 pages)
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Content Last Updated: 14 Jul, 2024