
  • Decree No. (22) of 2000 (PDF, 166KB, 6 pages) regarding family custody.
    The law included special provisions for children of unknown fathers or parents, orphans, and how to care for them. It clarified what is meant by family custody and the foster family, and the conditions that must be met therein. It also established the Family Fostering Committee, defined its duties, stipulated the rights of children of unknown fathers or parents regarding their name, registration in official and identification papers and birth certificates, and imposed a penalty for violating the provisions contained therein.
  • Decree No. (5) of 2002 (PDF, 447KB, 13 pages, Arabic only) approving accession to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.
    It ensures the accession of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the Convention, which enshrines the concept of gender equality in domestic legislation and the abolition of all discriminatory provisions in the laws of the state parties, and stipulates that states must take steps to eliminate all forms of discrimination practised against women by individuals, institutions, and organisations.
  • Decree-Law No. (24) of 2002 (PDF, 434KB, 16 pages, Arabic only) regarding the ratification of the agreement establishing the Arab Women's Organisation.
    The law included ratification of the agreement establishing the Arab Women's Organisation.
  • Law No. (11) of 2004 (PDF, 71.2KB, 4 pages) regarding the medical examination of those who are about to marry, of both sexes.
    The law obligated those who intend to marry, of both sexes, to undergo a medical examination, to require specialised doctors to provide assistance and advice to the two parties, and obligating those charged with concluding marriage contracts to ensure that both parties undergo a medical examination. It also imposed penalties for violating the provisions of this law.
  • Law No. (19) of 2004 (PDF, 572KB, 18 pages, Arabic only) approving the accession of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the two Optional Protocols on the involvement of children in armed conflicts, the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography included in the United Nations Convention.
    The law approved the Kingdom of Bahrain's accession to the two Optional Protocols on the involvement of children in armed conflicts and on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography included in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  • Law No. (31) of 2005 (PDF, 163KB, 5 pages, Arabic only) regarding social insurance for Bahrainis working abroad and their equivalent.
    The law defined the persons subject to social insurance in accordance with its provisions, including their insurance system and the conditions for eligibility, in addition to indicating the sources of the insurance account funds in the Social Insurance Fund of the Social Insurance Organisation. It also stipulated the percentage and duration of insurance, that the law is to be enforced when insurance is expired, and it clarified the right of the insured or his beneficiaries in the death and funeral expenses grant.
  • Law No. (34) of 2005 (PDF, 81.5KB, 5 pages) establishing the Alimony Fund.
    The law established the Alimony Fund, which is managed by a board of directors formed from the governmental and private sectors. It detailed the method of disbursing alimony including temporary ones, specified cases of forfeiture of the beneficiary’s right to disburse alimony, and cases of contention between expenditure debts. It also addressed the Fund's resources, exempted transactions and lawsuits related to the Fund from fees and inflicted a penalty on those who obtain amounts from the Fund based on fictitious or artificial procedures or evidence, or to a state whose demise or change has been knowingly proven.
  • Law No. (18) of 2006 (PDF, 184KB, 8 pages) regarding social security.
    The law included provisions related to social security, as it specified the categories entitled to social assistance, the conditions for its entitlement, its value, and cases of forfeiture, and assigned beneficiaries a set of obligations, including informing the relevant ministry of any change in social status.
  • Law No. (33) of 2009 (PDF, 32.6KB, 2 pages, Arabic only) amending some provisions of Law No. (34) of 2005 establishing the Alimony Fund.
  • Law No. (28) of 2006 (PDF, 47KB, 2 pages, Arabic only) regarding the Future Generations Reserve.
    The law addressed the deducted percentage for the formation of the Future Generations Reserve in the Future Generations Reserve Fund (FGF) and obligated the Ministry of Finance to invest these deducted funds. In accordance with this law, the Future Generations Reserve Board was formed in the Ministry of Finance to set and implement the policy and rules to be followed in investing these funds.
  • Law No. (74) of 2006 (PDF, 169KB, 8 pages, Arabic only) regarding the care, rehabilitation, and employment of the disabled.
    The law includes provisions relating to the disabled and their right to care, rehabilitation, a monthly allowance, and work, whether in the government or private sector. In addition to establishing the Higher Committee for the Care of Persons with Disabilities, its formation and specialities, as well as imposing penalties for violating the provisions of this law.
  • Law No. (5) of 2007 (PDF, 99KB, 4 pages, Arabic only) regarding combating beggary and homelessness.
    The law included a definition of vagrants, using the assistance of specialised institutions to find out the causes of vagrancy, the proposed ways to treat it in order to avoid the penalty of imprisonment or a fine, and matters relating to foreign vagrants outside the country.
  • Law No. (19) of 2017 (PDF, 304KB, 31 pages) promulgating the Family Law.
    The law deals with the provisions of engagement and marriage and their implications for the Sunni and Jaafari sects.

Content Last Updated: 26 Feb, 2023

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