Frequently Asked Questions

Is this the national website of the Kingdom of Bahrain? is the National Portal of the Kingdom of Bahrain. It provides general information about the Kingdom, and is a gateway to access public eServices, and a platform to communicate with government entities through the available eParticipation tools.

Does provide services to Bahraini citizens only?
The National Portal provides eServices to citizens, residents, businesses, and visitors.

Some services have a lock icon, what does this mean?
The lock icon means that this eService requires login with an eKey account in order to benefit from the service.

What is eKey?
The eKey is a login account with your personal ID number (CPR) and password used to access some eServices.

Why do some eServices need an eKey login?
The eKey login provides the authenticated user a single-sign-on experience on the portal. This means once the user enters their eKey credentials through the portal login (top right of the screen) all eServices that require eKey login will be unlocked. In addition, logging in with eKey in some eServices will give the user the ability to preview all the eService details & access them in one single transaction. For more details on eKey's basic level, please visit .

How do I register for an eKey account?
There are two levels for the eKey account. The basic level is used for most of the eServices and can be obtained easily; you can do so by registering for a Standard eKey . The Advanced level of eKey ensures a higher level of security and allows access to all eServices; it requires the verification of the user's Identity Card and fingerprint. To create an advanced eKey account, visit one of our eKey centres.

Can non-Bahrainis use eKey as well?
Yes, non-Bahrainis can register for an eKey as long they have a valid Bahraini ID Card and address. GCC nationals do not require a Bahraini ID Card, but they have to activate their National ID card in one of the Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA) ID card centers along with having an address in Bahrain.

What is the “Service Catalogue”?
The Service Catalogue displays a list of all public services provided by the governmental entities in the Kingdom of Bahrain whether online or offline. It also displays the details of each service, required documents, processes, and location.

Can I browse the services by entity?
In the “Service Catalogue” users can browse the service by entity “service provider”, category, as well as by alphabetical order.

How can I evaluate an eService?
We highly value your feedback and comments. The "Rate" icon at the end of the service. You will see an emoji face (happy, neutral, or sad) . You may select the face that reflects your experience with the eService and also add a comment.

Can I evaluate the content on
Your feedback and comments are very important to us. yes, you can find the "Rate" icon placed on the side of each content page. You will see an emoji face (happy, neutral, or sad). You may select the face that reflects your experience with the content and also add a comment to help us improve.

How can I find information about Bahrain?
Information about the Kingdom of Bahrain and more is available in the "Information Guide" section of the portal.

What do I do if I have difficulties using
In case you faced any difficulty while using the portal or any of the eServices, you may contact us on the following:

Where can I find more information about Investment in Bahrain?
The investment climate in Bahrain is important to the economy. Bahrain has made tremendous steps to create a friendly investment-environment. For more information on Investment in Bahrain can be found by visiting the following link.

Is there "personal data protection" legislation available online?
The government of Bahrain has enacted laws and policies to protect personal data from being misused. More information on Investment in Bahrain can be found by visiting the following link.

What are the investments made to support young entrepreneurs in the Kingdom?
Details on the investments made by the Kingdom to support young entrepreneurs can be found by visiting the following link.

Are there any online services available for certain vulnerable groups?
Leaving no one behind is one of the cornerstones of the UN 2030 Agenda. Providing online services, Information, and data to support vulnerable groups is an important aspect of the Bahrain Plan of Action. More information on the available online services for vulnerable groups can be found by visiting the following link.

Where can I find information about sustainability?
Developing strong leadership, infrastructure and sustainability are the economy and social pillars that Bahrain is built on. Information on its policies, vision, plan of action can be found by visiting the following link.

What is Bahrain’s Economic Vision 2030?
Bahrain’s Economic Vision 2030 is the nation’s roadmap to success. More information about Vision 2030 can be found in the following link.

Is there an online application for enrolling my children in schools?
Education is one of the basic rights in Bahrain. Bahrain has a long history of educating boys and girls since its independence. More information on government school application can be found through the following link.

What information or accessible facilities are available for children with disabilities?
Providing educating to children with disabilities has been in place since country’s independence. Bahrain has never discriminated against children with disabilities. For more information about schools and their facilities can be found through the following link.

How can I find information about scholarships in Bahrain?
Scholarships both internal and abroad are available for all students in Bahrain. They can apply for scholarships online or through the Ministry of Education. More information about scholarships can be found through the following link.

What is Bahrain’s Digital Readiness Strategy?
Information about Bahrain’s Digital Readiness Strategy can be found through the following link.

How can I request for Environment-related permits?
Businesses and individuals can apply for environmental-related permits online. More information about Environment-related permits can be found through the following link.

What is the policy on recycling in Bahrain?
Protecting the environment is important to Bahrain. It has enacted many policies and guidelines on reducing waste, conserving water, ensuring the protection and quality of water, encouraging recycling in the nation. More information about Environment-related permits can be found through the following link.

How is Bahrain protecting the environment?
Information about pollution can be found through the following link.

How can I engage with the Government of Bahrain?
Engaging and empowering both Bahrainis and expatriates to provide inputs, feedback and comments on all aspects of the Bahraini life is critical to the success of the country. Bahrain uses social media and direct participation to ensure that all voices are heard. More information about eParticipation can be found through the following link.

What is the "Government Plan"?
The Government Action Plan reflected the Government of Bahrain’s strategic priorities with a focus on delivering sustainable change. Built upon the principles of sustainability, transparency, justice, and competitiveness, the Government Plan is aimed at capitalizing on the Kingdom’s resources and capabilities to meet the needs of all Bahrainis. For more Information about the Government action plan and Government Forum please visit the following link.

What is Bahrain’s policy regarding the Internet?
Everyone in Bahrain have access to the internet wherever they live, and all residents of the Kingdom have mobile phone service. The percentage of people using Internet services is 99%. Information about Internet for all can be found through the following link.

Where can I find information about open data in Bahrain?
Bahrain government believes in the importance of data in empowering the community and the national development agenda. As the government is the greatest source of data, Bahrain government has opt to provide primary, complete, timely, and easily accessible data that is publicly available in a way that can be reused free of charge and without any restrictions. For more information about open data can be found through the following link.

How can I find partners to invest with?
Bahrain is keen to share and transfer knowledge towards continuous improvement in digital transformation. The developed Information & Communication Technology infrastructure create future opportunities for investment. Information about Bahrain’s digital cooperation and investment opportunities can be found through the following link.

What is Bahrain doing about the SDGs?
The SDGs are covered in the National Economic Strategy and Bahrain is working towards achieving the goals through its Government Action Plan. Information about Bahrain’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can be found through the following link.

Is the national portal user-friendly?
Customer Service and satisfaction is at the top of the list of Bahrain government priorities, with focus on “Delivering Customer Value through Collaborative Government”. Information related to customer satisfaction can be found through the following link.

What is Bahrain doing in terms of new technologies?
The Kingdom of Bahrain is emerging as a regional leader in digital transformation. The Kingdom has well-recognized the importance of technology to reinforce its economic growth, jobs creation and human development to provide a better life for all. More Information related to new technologies can be found through the following link.

Are there youth programs for employment?
Human capital is playing a key role in the national development agenda of kingdom of Bahrain. therefore, the government pays close attention to the investment in its human capital to ensure qualities of the people intelligence, knowledge, education, training, talents, skills and experience. Bahrain is the homeland to a highly skilled local and global workforce with very high human capital development index as per WEF, World Bank and UNDP reports. For more information about training for youths can be found through the following link.

Where can I find information about the cybersecurity?
The Cybersecurity field has recently become one of the most important pillars of ICT. The Kingdom of Bahrain represented by the Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA) took the responsibility of protecting the government assets by implementing the most advanced technologies in the market, ensuring the quality of information security of all government organizations by releasing several programs and workshops and providing incident response services for government organizations. More Information about Cybersecurity legislation can be found on the following link.

Are there laws on discrimination in Bahrain?
Respecting human rights is essential for achieving sustainable development. The Kingdom of Bahrain reaffirms its responsibilities to respect, protect and promote human rights. This is reflected in the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bahrain and the National Action Charter, which enriched the cultural heritage of the Kingdom and affirmed the rule of law, the integrity of justice and its independence as a basis for governance in the Kingdom of Bahrain. More Information about equality can be found through the following link.

Does Bahrain value human rights?
Acceptance is an essential and important aspect to build a healthy, respectful society that embraces and has more compassion and empathy towards other people ethnicities, culture, and religion. Bahrain is home to people that come from diverse backgrounds and is known for its overwhelming welcoming and understanding towards people from other cultures, backgrounds, faiths, and practices. More Information about inclusion and tolerance can be found through the following link.

How do I get married in Bahrain?
The marriage contract is a legal way for the formation of a new family in the Kingdom of Bahrain. It also protects the rights of the couples and their children as stipulated in the family law and marriage contract. All individuals living in Bahrain are eligible to get married as long as they meet the marriage basic criteria regardless of their religion and nationality. More Information about marriage services can be found through the following link.

Where can I find information female healthcare?
Ensuring good health and wellbeing of people in the Kingdom of Bahrain is one of the top priorities. The Kingdom has one of the modern, technologically advanced and comprehensive healthcare systems in the region. It has a unique governance model headed by the Supreme Council of Health to set the national strategy and directions, the National Health Regulatory Authority as a regulator of health sector, and the Ministry of Health as key operator to manage the health sector in Bahrain. For more information about women rights can be found through the following link.

How can I contact the police online?
The Ministry of Interior has developed a comprehensive portal covering all the MOI agencies and General Directorates and provides the public with all information and services they need in one online platform. You may report any complaint or case through the portal, get all emergency contacts and avail many online services online. Confidentiality and privacy of measures are strictly maintained. For more information related to police declaration can be found through the following link.

I am moving, how can I change my address?
Changing your commercial address is available through Bahrain’s business portal Sijilat . To change the mailing address or billing address, you can change it easily by updating your information online. With regards to the addresses of new-borns and newlyweds, the address is changed automatically without having to submit any application. For more information. For more information related to address update can be found through the following link.

Where can I find information related to health-emergency preparedness?
“Health for All” is well recognized in Kingdom of Bahrain. The Emergency Medical Services are highly responsive to all emergency calls and requests. All steps needed is to dial the toll-free number 999 from any phone to call for ambulance services and you need to be aware of all emergency calls guidelines. For more information related to reproductive health-emergency preparedness can be found through the following link.

Where can I information on public transportation for people with disabilities?
People with disabilities are well taken care of in the local community and given close attention under the custody of Bahrain government. The Kingdom has developed the “National Strategy for Persons with Disabilities” to improve the promotion and protection of human rights of disabled individuals. For more information related to accessible public transportation for people with disabilities can be found through the following link.

Where can I find information about continuous education?
The digital empowerment in education in Bahrain starts at very early stages at schools’ curriculum in which ICT is used as a tools and learning courses. Digital empowerment in education aims to prepare a technology-ready human capital and enable students, teachers and workers in the educational sectors to get an on-going learning on using ICT for development. For more information related to digital skills and education please visit the following link.

I tried to book an appointment for the ID card renewal but it is showing an error “select at least one person to save appointment”, what should I do?
Enter the personal ID number only, then click on “+” add, and then save.

Is the birth certificate written in Arabic language only?
The Birth certificate is written in both Arabic and English in the same certificate.

Where can I find the “Birth Notification Request Number” to issue a birth certificate?
The Birth Notification Request Number is mentioned in the hospital papers given when discharged.

Can I issue a death certificate for my grandmother online?
The applicant must be a first degree relative of the deceased (Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Husband, and Wife).

Can I renew my husband’s passport using my eKey account?
No, however, you can renew the passport of your children only.

Can I update the address in the ID Card by visiting the fast track lounge?
Updating the details in the ID Card is not available at the fast track. You need to book an appointment online in one of our service centers to update your address.

When will new appointments be available online for the ID card renewal?
Appointments are updated regularly on the National Portal. You may check the service again or contact us for further assistance.

I am trying to reset my eKey account’s password, but I forgot the mobile number I registered?
You must visit one of our Service centers to re-activate your eKey account, then you will be able to change or view the mobile number registered under “Manage My Account”.

I am trying to pay for a court contravention through the Traffic services and the amount is showing in the portal but there is no option to pay?
You can use the Payment of Criminal Orders service to pay the court contraventions. You can get the Prosecution Number by viewing the details of the traffic contravention online.

How many times can I reschedule the driving test?
The driving test appointment can be rescheduled only once; 24 hours before the existing test appointment.

Can I upload a new photo in my driving license when I renew it online?
There is no option to upload a photo when you renew the driving license online.

Does the discount rate apply for all vehicles under the same personal ID number for users of age 60 years and above?
No, the discount applies for one vehicle only.

I am trying to pay for Plate Numbers renewal but there is no payment option?
Reserved Plate Numbers Renewal is allowed only after the expiry date.

Can I use the eKey service for the Electricity and Water bills under a CR?
The eKey login is provided only for bills under your personal ID number.

Can I create a user under my personal ID number in order to issue advertisement permits?
Yes, the service allows you to create users under your personal ID number or under the company CR number.

Can GCC users register for an eKey account without a residential address?
No, GCC users has to have an address in the Kingdom of Bahrain to register for an eKey account.

Can I pay to lift my travel ban online?
Yes, you can use the “Payment of Due Amounts” within the Travel Ban services. You will need to log in with your eKey account. To register for a Standard eKey account, please visit the following link.

Can a part time employee in a Government entity register in the Civil Service Bureau (CSB) service to view the salary slip details?
No, only permanent employees can register in the Civil Service Bureau (CSB) service.

I missed my Pre-Employment Health Checkup appointment, how can I book another appointment?
You can get another appointment directly from the hospital you booked in.


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Government Services Catalogue

Find information about the offered government services across different channels Browse Services Catalogue.

Content Last Updated: 27 Feb, 2025

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